Thursday, March 26, 2009

i like to watch my lovebird in the afternoons.
I just brought him back to school about 2 weeks ago, so everything in this setting is new for him, and his current favorite pasttime involves sitting on my lampshade next to the huge window that takes up about half of my bedroom wall, watching things happen outside. He's always real scared at first, chirping incessantly, flying away in terror at the passage of any car. Soon, though, he begins to settle, messing around with the jewelry hanging from the window. Then, something scares him again, and he's off in a tirade chirping chirping chirping tearing around my room in a frenzy like a right nut job, until i gather him up in my palm, holding his ferociously beating heart close to my chest, whispering into his feathers until he settles, when i then release him to perch on my folded knee. preening himself, he settles into contentment, winded and sleepy after his wild adventure.
he's sitting there now, fluffed up and calmed, glancing back over his shoulder at me through half opened eyes.


in ten minutes though, he'll be at it again, he can't get enough of that world, and when he's frightened i'll tuck him again close to my heart, allowing his realized fears to drain away with the lulling cadence of my voice.

he's a bird after my own heart, after all.


  1. "it" is a real beauty, that bird. as are you.

    but it pooped on my $60 leggings, jame. not cool!

  2. OH. MY. GAWD. You are so beyond fabulous. I mean, DUHHH, Ames told me I'd adore you. All Hail THE STONAH <333

    love and light out the wazooo j.
